Monday, August 22, 2011

How much XP do I get for post 100?

Coming up on 7 months old, with 63 followers and over 17k page views, I now reach my 100th post (seriously, would it kill you people to comment?  ;-p ).  I had been wanting to do something special for my one hundredth post, but my brain has been too distracted by lots of practical life demands lately to come up with much of anything.  And then it struck, yesterday, when I least expected it: during mass.

I had to go to a neighboring parish so I could go in the evening instead of the morning, and I opened the service leaflet so that my eye fell directly on this:

XP for Men!  What was this advertisement for Experience Points!?  There's an RPG group at a local parish?  I had no idea why it would be male-only, but was dumbstruck at the thought.  At least it wasn't for kids.  Then my eyes continued down:

Ah.  Chi Rho = Christ.  Not XP.  I see.  So no Experience Points.  Listen, Fr. So-and-so, is Jesus your GM, or what?  Well, I better get some XP for post #100, is all I'm going to say.

Up late today: Mythopoeic Monday