Monday, June 25, 2012

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place ~or~ A Room of One's Own?

Time is not a luxury I have had in the past month.  I had really hoped to get my Ygg PbP going this month, with support from my faithful interested, and while I might have been able to find time to play some, there is no way I could have GMed.  Summer school at the new school is more compact and intense than any other in my career.  Sleep has been an issue, and as you can tell, blogging hasn't really picked up to its pre-move level.  Still, I am planning and preparing for the future in which I and the school will have settled into one another and I have significant free time again for things mythopoeic and luditory. 

First one must create space.  The space in the mind is created, but with space in life unavailable I turned to my physical space.

I have an office space in the apartment, but with a dedicated classroom and an office for all of my academic stuff I have no need to set up an office dedicated to work.  The apartment was set up and it already contained a part of my game collection, so I took the space and tried to make it inspirational for my imagination with the materials I have at hand.

Recent finds from Goodwill and Half-Price Books mix with the Free RPG haul and the contents of the lately arrived Pathfinder subscription package.  Not the largest or the most extravagant setting and supply, but plenty here to work from, easily in reach, and a display for the eyes to feed on.