Saturday, February 4, 2012


The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.

Today, Mythopoeic Rambling turns one year old.  In that year I, along with the help of some generous and talented guest posters and field reporters, posted 257 posts and now have over 90 followers (Welcome, new followers, by the way!)  I've broken stories about Paizo releases, in some cases not merely early but first -- and I'm hoping some of you will make plans to text me from Paizo Con again this year to keep that happening! 

I've tried to share some of the fruits of my reading, dreaming, and gaming, and some of the riches that I have found shared by other people with similar interests who are creative and thoughtful.  I've benefited from the comments that you, my readers, have shared.  I think I've learned some things about producing a better blog, and continue to try to improve what I offer to those interested in the exploration and creation of secondary worlds. 

Above, all, I want to thank all of you -- readers, commenters, followers, fellow bloggers, and linkers -- for your interest and support.  I especially want to thank the FaWTLies, an online group of gamers who have been a tremendous source of encouragement and advice.  You gals and guys ROCK!  (Not news to you, but I'm still going to say it.) 

Cheers!  Here is to the next year!  May our rambles go on and on.