Instead of wondering what my Gen Con correspondents are up to, I should be cleaning up parts of my blog, like the outdated book section at the bottom (does anybody look at that but me?). When I do, I'm going to add the book that came on Monday, causing me to put down everything else I am reading: David Gross' newest addition to Paizo's Pathfinder Tales, set in their world of Golarion:
Master of Devils. I am really enjoying it. In this installment, Master Varian Jeggare and his man Radovan have traveled to Golarion's Asian analogue. (I point you to
Gross' blog where he's been presenting a series on Asian cinema.) The story quickly moves from seeming repetitions of their earlier adventures to weave the variations into contrasts and then goes on to take more risks than the earlier stories -- risks that are very fitting to the move from a western to an eastern inspired background. I'm about half way or more through, and I'm confident that Gross is going to easily equal, and most likely outdo, his previous tales of the adventuring duo. Also, I feel very vindicated in having Count Jeggare as my favorite. I expect to hear some conciliatory remarks from the Jeggare haters out there. If the words come hard, I will also accept Paizo gift certificates.
Cheers! |