In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it is fitting to have an explicitly religious posting today. A friend of mind recently directed me to three videos on Penny Arcade TV. In my professional work, I've given a lot of consideration to the issues around faith and rationality, and I've witnessed a lot of close-minded vitriol from those who are convinced that they know what, for example, science and religion are all about, and are unable to entertain any challenging or broadening of the mind. So I was impressed at what the folks at PATV put together, but not as surprised as they were by the response their videos garnered.
So for a very good perspective on what faith is, on the relationship between faith and science, and for some starting points for consideration of how one includes these in one's gaming, check out these videos. Though the videos are made with an eye towards video games, they can just as well inspire your thinking about religion in your RPG.
Religion in Games Part I
Religion in Games Part II
God Does Not Play Dice